Originally posted to Data Center Knowledge by Bill Kleyman.
Imagine working with a data center and hyperscale provider that helps you get up and running with all the right services and infrastructure components in just 41 days. As in delivering the entire ecosystem, serving users, and delivering applications — all in less than two months.
This is the story of RagingWire and Groupon.
It’s worthwhile to note that as more users connect to the cloud, organizations will find new ways to deliver services and offerings via a cloud solution. Cloud computing is an ever-changing, highly dynamic platform. This is why it’s critical to work with a data center partner that can take you to the cloud – or get you there in a hybrid fashion. Gartner recently pointed out that more than $1 trillion in IT spending will be directly or indirectly affected by the shift to cloud during the next five years. The market for cloud services continues to grow, say analysts, making cloud computing one of the most disruptive forces of IT spending today.
At the heart of any organization’s IT infrastructure is a data center that is capable of scaling with the needs of the business. However, not all data centers are created equal. Furthermore, not every data center can customize a solution to best fit an organization’s IT needs. And, in many situations, the physical location of the data center can be a make-it or break-it situation for an organization because of costs and inherent location risks. In this white paper from RagingWire, we go on a journey with a high-profile hyperscale cloud company that went through the West Coast data center selection process: Groupon.
To read the full article, please click here.