Originally posted to Data Center Frontier
The Data Center Frontier Executive Roundtable features insights from industry executives with lengthy experience in the data center industry. Here’s a look at the insights from Joel Stone of RagingWire Data Centers.
JOEL STONE, RagingWire
Joel Stone is Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of RagingWire Data Centers, one of the top wholesale data center providers in the U.S. and part of NTT Communications with 140 data centers worldwide. Joel is a proven operations leader in the data center, IT infrastructure, and telecommunications industries with global experience at CenturyLink, Global Switch in London, and Microsoft.
Here’s the full text of Joel Stone insights from our Executive Roundtable for the second quarter of 2016:
Data Center Frontier: In the first half of 2016 we’ve seen unusually strong demand for wholesale data center space from cloud builders and Internet enterprises. Is this a short-term phenomenon, or is cloud growth fueling a long-term shift toward larger requirements?
To read the full article please click here.