Data Center POST had the opportunity to connect with Bob Shine, VP of Marketing and Product Management at Telescent. For those unfamiliar, Telescent is a technology leader focused on automating the physical network layer of data centers, telecom, and mobile networks for rapid reconfiguration, reprovisioning and retasking. Bob Shine has leveraged more than 20 years of experience in technical marketing, product management, sales, and distribution channel management to advance and introduce Telescent’s innovative optical systems and monitoring solutions to the market. Read more to learn about Bob and the products Telescent plans to discuss at PTC’23 below.
Data Center POST (DCP) Question: What does participating in PTC’23 mean to your company?
Bob Shine, Vice President of Marketing (BS) Answer: PTC’23 is an opportunity to meet a number of key executives across the data center and global telecom infrastructure space all in one place. It is a great way to start off the new year while refreshing and inspiring the strategic initiatives of the companies we meet with.
DCP Q: What products/services/locations/other are you excited to share at the PTC’23 conference?
BS A: Telescent manufactures a robotic cross-connect system. We are excited to share both a larger scale version to address hyperscale customers as well as a new RobUST™ architecture that reduces initial CAPEX by 50% while simplifying the installation and scaling to support the growth and need of automated cross-connects.
Telescent G4 Network Topology Manager (G4 NTM)
DCP Q: As you think about PTC’23, what business goal is most important to you and why?
BS A: Telescent’s primary business goal in 2023 is to deliver extraordinary support and value as we expand to meet increasing customer demand. This includes solutions that scale from 100’s to hundreds of thousands of interconnects, as well as the addition of innovative new software automation features to meet the needs of our multi-tenant data center, network service provider, enterprise and hyperscale data center customers.
DCP Q: How can people meet or learn more about you at PTC’23 (or after)?
BS A: Our CEO/Founder Tony Kewitsch along with Bob Shine and Alan Gibbemeyer will attend PTC. We are available for face-to-face meetings Sunday through Wednesday (January 15-18, 2023) and will have a table in the Tapas Bar all day Tuesday, January 17 where we will be hosting meetings. You can find us at the Tapas Bar or simply email us for a meeting at:
DCP Q: What else would you like for our readers to know that you haven’t already shared about your company?
BS A: Telescent is already deployed in a number of production networks with proven 10-year lifetime reliability and over 1 million system hours in operation.
Automation is certainly the way of the future. If you want to learn more about PTC’23, please visit: The event takes place January 15-18, 2023 in Honolulu, HI – registration is still open for those interested in attending.
To learn more about Telescent, click here.
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