Originally posted to Data Center Frontier by Voices of the Industry,

the-past-present-and-future-of-modular-data-centersIn this week’s Voices of the Industry, David Shepard EVP, General Manager of the BASELAYER’s Anywhere hardware division, looks over the past, present and future of modular data centers.

In honor of the upcoming holidays, we would like to bring out our inner Ebenezer Scrooge to consider modular data centers of the past, present and future.


The first modular data centers (MDC) were deployed almost a decade ago. These units were initially focused on a portability and rapid deployment; an example is seen below by Sun Microsystems (now Oracle).

The deployment model was primarily limited to an ISO (shipping) container with an external chiller and supplemental power. At the time, there was not much thought put into software integration or network latency, rather just a focus on storage and computing needs.

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