Originally published to TelecomNewsroom. 

Data Economy, a complete source for news, thought-leadership and industry insights from across the IT infrastructure, data center, cloud and data space, recently released a Power 200 List of the world’s most influential data economy leaders. This Power 200 List is an initial installment of a bi-annual, global list of industry innovators and influencers carefully curated to showcase the top individuals throughout the world, spearheading new strategies, launching new technological breakthroughs and charting new paths.

At iMiller Public Relations, we never pass up an opportunity to celebrate the success and accomplishments of our industry peers, especially those included in our client family. iMPR was thrilled to see a lot of familiar faces pop up on the Power 200 list, so we’d like to take some time to highlight and congratulate a number of our clients that made an appearance.


To read the full blog, please click here.