Data Backup Appliance

– John Pearring, vice president of STORServer, Inc., says:

While there are many options for backing up and recovering data, an increasing number of businesses are turning to backup appliances as opposed to implementing a “bundle,” or a collection of software and hardware. With so many options, STORServer® is offering expert insight into the five features enterprise backup appliance users cannot go without.

In our new guide, “How to choose an enterprise backup appliance,” we dive into the backup appliance selection process, offering insight on hardware and software considerations, key features, manufacturer support criteria and more.

Features explored in the guide include:

  1. Source and target deduplication
  2. Disaster recovery replication
  3. Virtualization
  4. Console views
  5. Cloud support

Not all backup appliances—enterprise or small office—are the same. Customers must choose wisely based on the parameters we’ve shared in order to get the best cost, solution and protection for their data.

To access the guide, visit