Originally posted to Data Centre Dynamics by James Patrignelli of Liquid Technology
Reliability, scalability, and reduced costs are buzzwords that every data center professional has become well-accustomed to in an age where the cloud is one of the most prominent trends. Endlessly touted as the data center’s new frontier, a cloud environment has much to offer businesses that are looking to relocate their IT assets, applications, or data.
Although, as enterprises are hurrying to join the mass exodus and reap the benefits of cloud computing, many may fail to realize that they are inadvertently leaving a mounting threat in their wake.
Think about your waste
In 2018, it was predicted that around 49.8 million metric tons of electronic waste would be generated worldwide, and that number is on the rise. Now, the improper management and disposal of this electronic waste, or e-waste, comprised of computers, servers, phones, and other IT assets that have reached the end of their useful lives, has become an urgent global concern.
When retired electronics or IT assets are inappropriately dumped into landfills, the harmful materials they contain, including cadmium, lead, chromium, and more, can leach into the soil, taint groundwater, and release toxic fumes. These occurrences have hugely damaging effects on surrounding ecosystems and often facilitate harmful exposure for individuals in nearby areas, resulting in an array of health complications.
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