Originally posted to Data Center Frontier by Voices of the Industry.
In this edition of Voices of the Industry, Sherri Liebo, Senior Vice President, Marketing, at Digital Realty explores how disruptive technology is pushing digital transformation in today’s markets.
The invention of electric light made everything about our world extremely apparent, highlighting both the beauty and the flaws in our surroundings. It changed us: Socially. Culturally. Economically. And even biologically—turning us into worker bees.
The invention of disruptive technology does much the same thing. It illuminates the weaknesses in our IT strategies and old-school business models, to which we’ve become accustomed like comfortable warm blankets.
Technology has always pushed us out of our comfort zones—and made us face our fear of the unknown. Though, however painstaking our evolution, it has ultimately driven personal and professional growth and changed the way we think, as well as the way we do business—for the better.
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