By Daniel Freedman, Editor, Data Center Post
As an oft-repeated aphorism has it, “A rising tide lifts all boats.” An apt metaphor to describe how iMiller Public Relation’s acquisition of Data Center Post—the online content and resource channel aimed at educating the data center community through must-read articles on cloud computing, virtualization, security, storage, data center management and design—will benefit this explosively growing industry sector. By leveraging our network of esteemed colleagues, partners and influencers, DCP will continue to provide this group of stakeholders with invaluable insights and provide thought-leaders with an enhanced forum to share innovative technologies and progressive approaches to the rapidly evolving data center ecosphere.
iMiller Public Relations, as evidenced by our involvement in Host in Ireland and other industry advocacy organizations, works not only for the industry, but within the industry. Hence, we’re uniquely positioned for this new role. As our own Ilissa Miller, Founder and Chief Executive officer at iMPR, comments, “The market is highly dynamic and poised for rapid growth, with many exciting developments as well as complex challenges to overcome on the horizon.” To that point, iMPR staff, which includes former client-side telecommunications and technology professionals as well as former journalists, speaks regularly to the industry leaders fomenting change and tracks just how their companies’ game-changing solutions to these complex challenges are executed on a daily basis.
IT and data center managers within enterprises and SMBs, CEOs, CIOs, COOs, product managers, and research and development entities, will all find relevant and provocative content online at Data Center Post. Kudos must go to Chris A. Mackinnon, Founder of Data Center POST, whose creativity, talent and years of hard work laid the foundation upon which iMPR will continue to build.
The acquisition of Data Center POST is the acquisition by iMiller Public Relations since its inception in 2011. The Company acquired the Northeast DAS & Small Cell Association (NEDAS) in May of 2013 and since has grown the Association three-fold.
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