Originally published to TelecomNewsroom

The skills gap in the IT industry has become an increasingly pressing issue across the globe. The rapid development of innovations such as Software-Defined Networking (SDN), cloud enablement and the hybrid cloud is creating changes in the business landscape. Though these newer and more complicated technologies are driving success in the industry, the push for innovation is effectively widening the talent gap due to the fact that companies are challenged to  find workers with the appropriate experience.

Though the dynamic of hiring in technology industries is becoming more complicated, talent is still available if you know where to find it. Peter Hannaford, CEO and founder of Datacenter People, a worldwide recruitment firm for the data center industry, has unlocked the secrets to finding great talent in the age of the skills gap. When confronted with the Uptime Institute’s Annual Report statistic, which reveals 35 percent of respondents were experiencing difficulty finding qualified candidates, many industry players worried. Hannaford, however, remains confident in hiring due to a few key differences that set his firm’s approach apart from other methods, which often fall flat.


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