Data Center POST reaches a highly targeted audience of senior IT executives and engineers, data center managers and others who make crucial buying decisions for their companies.
Advertising on Data Center POST gives you access to this large and rapidly expanding group. Our readers are your customers.
Your Banner ad will be located on every page of our website for full viewing potential. The ad will rotate as a static image or an animated graphic, and link to a specified URL. We offer a limited number of ad spots so that advertisers have an opportunity to shine. Currently, rates are based on a flat fee and some are rotated to give everyone fair exposure.
- We offer square button ads, newsletter ads, as well as a variety of other mediums to get your message across.
- Advertise your product or service with us and gain instant access to buyers in your community.
- Take advantage of the opportunity to promote your expertise, product or service to data center professionals. Data Center POST subscribers represent a diverse cross-section of practicing professionals and/or managers of technology.
- Your Banner ad will be located on major pages of our website for full viewing potential. The ad will rotate as a static image, or an animated graphic, and link to a specific page.
- We only offer a limited number of ad spaces – availability is always tight.
For more information about advertising and to request our Media Kit please fill out the form below.