Originally posted on Kip & Gary by Diane Alber
A colleague of mine, Blaine Berger, just authored an awesome book, “What Everybody Ought To Know Before Moving a Data Center”. There was a great deal of relevant information that I’d like to share with you. Here are 8 questions that stood out for me. Of course this is a brief summary, so for more details I recommend you consider purchasing the book
1) Why are you moving your data center?
You may be out of space or out of power, either way you need to put together the reasons you need to move so you have a clear understanding of what you are trying to accomplish by moving.
2) When would you need to move?
Timeline and lead times can play a huge factor in not only your location but in product lead times as well.
3) Do you have a plan AND a rehearsal plan?
Plan Plan Plan! What components are you moving? When they are moving? How are they moving? The more detailed the plan the more successful you will be! Also going over your plan in a “rehearsal” helps answers questions BEFORE the actual move day. For example, who is in charge of unplugging “X”…etc.
To read the full article please click here.