Originally posted to Data Center Frontier by Voices of the Industry,

6 Dashboards for Managing Every Modern Data CenterIn this week’s Voices of the Industry, Herman Chan, President of Sunbird Software, explores the top dashboards and KPIs that help every modern data center boost productivity and efficiency.

Driven by emerging technology and business trends like IoT, big data, and digitalization, the modern data center is evolving infrastructures and management practices to comply with environmental regulations, accelerate time to deployment, and address other key objectives.

Under pressure to do even more with less, modern data center managers and operators are turning to data and analytics to provide the information needed to optimize their data centers. Smart devices such as intelligent rack PDUs enable the collection of an abundance of sensor and polling data from a wide range of sources. But with this volume and variety of data, how do you identify the useful data, analyze what this data actually means for your data center, and turn this information into actionable insights?

Operators are turning to data and analytics to provide the information needed to optimize their data centers.

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