Originally posted on TelecomNewsroom

Video Interviews are Very Different Animal and New to Many Potential Candidates – Read on and Good Luck!

  1. Get on the link early. Sometimes there are problems getting on and being late for a video interview is a no no. Making a good impression means you may have to wait for them. It’s better to ensure they know you respect their time and appreciate the opportunity. Also, make sure you have a dial in number ready if your video has a poor connection or fails.
  2. Background noise can be a real problem. Find a quiet spot. Use the mute button when needed.
  3. High energy is a must but too high energy could be a deal breaker. Be yourself. Smile and stay engaged, don’t allow yourself to be distracted.
  4. Dress for success. While it may seem like a casual setting, dress professionally. Make sure the bottoms match the top, some companies want to be sure the people they interview are dressed for the occasion top to bottom.
  5. Make sure you’re in well-lit place with a clean and organized background ready for video (picture perfect)
  6. Research the company and people interviewing you and as appropriate share what you learned.

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